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These Are The 4 Guilt Trips You Need to Stop Taking Now - Episode 41

Episode #41

Chris and Danny share a unique, detailed perspective on the various ways your loved one's addiction makes you feel guilty, why it's so important to free yourself from guilt, and how to stay off the emotional roller coaster ride for good.

The Why Intervention Podcast is aimed at helping family and friends feel supported and encouraged that recovery from addiction is possible, for themselves as well as their loved ones. You'll hear how to affect positive change in their life and help your loved one begin a successful recovery. Host Christopher Doyle shares his insights, talks with experts, and interviews people who have gone through recovery.

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Show Notes

  • What they have seen regarding guilt - 2:11
  • Parents feel guilty - 5:28
  • What to do to not feel guilt - 7:16
  • Are you expecting to solve addiction? - 13:43
  • This is bigger than you - 20:28
  • Feeling guilty about mistakes made - 34:31
  • How powerful is a recovery story - 44:31
  • You need to take ownership for the mistakes that you have made - 50:16
  • Your loved one that struggles with addiction may be in pain - 51:08
  • Addiction is not your fault as a parent - 54:46


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